PRESS X, an interactive animated series

At the end of 2010 I had the pleasure to shoot with Lauren Rassel, a designer and artist from Detroit, Michigan. Rassel was in San Francisco for work and we had been trying to find a way to collaborate her designs with my animations for months. Her upcylced, handmade fashions have garnered quite a bit of attention from New York to San Francisco and I've always enjoyed her creative energy and vision.
Press X , an animated series by Brandon Joseph Baker
Over 8 months later I've finally had a chance to sit down and animate the images we shot that day.
Still of Rassel from Red Controls The Zebra Man
This series examines how the details and nuances of a moment can be lost in an instantaneous internet culture. Created to challenge user patience and perception, PRESS X is an interactive flash animation designed for desktop viewing. To see the series in its entirety please visit
Designs, modeling and styling by Lauren Rassel. Art Direction, Photography and Animation by Brandon Joseph Baker.

Over 8 months later I've finally had a chance to sit down and animate the images we shot that day.

This series examines how the details and nuances of a moment can be lost in an instantaneous internet culture. Created to challenge user patience and perception, PRESS X is an interactive flash animation designed for desktop viewing. To see the series in its entirety please visit

Designs, modeling and styling by Lauren Rassel. Art Direction, Photography and Animation by Brandon Joseph Baker.
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