Entries in fashion (2)



WSTRNCV Magazine published my photography in an editorial on David Watkins, a vintage collector who runs Goodbye Heart in Oakland. To read the editorial please visit WSTRNCV Magazine and to see more from Goodbye Heart visit their website Goodbyeheart.com

A special thanks to Jason Black for his written piece and for connecting me with WSTRNCV.


PRESS X, an interactive animated series

At the end of 2010 I had the pleasure to shoot with Lauren Rassel, a designer and artist from Detroit, Michigan. Rassel was in San Francisco for work and we had been trying to find a way to collaborate her designs with my animations for months. Her upcylced, handmade fashions have garnered quite a bit of attention from New York to San Francisco and I've always enjoyed her creative energy and vision.
Press X , an animated series by Brandon Joseph Baker
Over 8 months later I've finally had a chance to sit down and animate the images we shot that day.
Still of Rassel from Red Controls The Zebra Man
This series examines how the details and nuances of a moment can be lost in an instantaneous internet culture. Created to challenge user patience and perception, PRESS X is an interactive flash animation designed for desktop viewing. To see the series in its entirety please visit www.brandonjosephbaker.com/pressx

Designs, modeling and styling by Lauren Rassel. laurenrassel.com Art Direction, Photography and Animation by Brandon Joseph Baker.
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